
treatment for anxiety menWithout experiencing it for ourselves, it is very hard to understand just how terrible it is to have severe anxiety. Outwardly anxiety sufferers can appear normal but inwardly we suffer debilitating pain, fear, worry and panic. Sometimes it’s so bad that we think we’re going to die. We are always on a knife edge, always on the edge of our seat.

People who don’t understand advise us to relax and not to worry so much, but we find it impossible to do that no matter how hard we try. We get judged as being weak when we may not be weak people at all. Some even think we’re just faking it and can’t be trusted, which only adds to the problem.

The experts tell us that anyone can get anxiety. It’s caused by the “flight or fight” response switching on and then not switching off like it’s supposed to. Anxiety is also very common and a rapidly growing problem. According to the department of health, one in every seven Australians suffered an anxiety related disorder in 2007.

anx4Moderate to severe feelings of anxiety are very bad for us. Anxiety amplifies fear and insecurity. Anxiety can cause us severe physical pain, such as tightness and knotting that can feel like we are having a heart attack. It can make breathing very difficult, causing us to feel like we are suffocating. Anxiety can cause our minds to run out of control with destructive thought patterns and worry. Anxiety can lead to debilitating panic attacks. Over extended periods it can lead to depression which is life threatening. Anxiety also commonly causes stomach problems and disorders.

On top of the symptoms and conditions it causes, anxiety also can ruin our ability to function in society. It can stop us from achieving our goals in life. Normal activities can become overwhelming, working can become impossible and our relationships can be destroyed. Even the simple act of leaving the house can be a dreaded activity. Happiness can become an impossible dream for us, beyond our ability to reach.

There is good news however. Anxiety can be beaten. It’s not easy but it can be done.

Some simple free steps you can take to start reducing anxiety:
1. Stop drinking coffee, it stimulates you and makes anxiety worse.
2. Try to meditate or practice yoga, these help as long as your anxiety isn’t so severe you find it impossible to relax.
3. Read “The Power of NOW” by Erkhart Toll (usually available in public libraries).
4. Avoid emotionally toxic people who trigger your anxiety.
5. Avoid stress as much as possible.

There are a lot of treatments for anxiety, and our goal should always be to find the one that best meets our needs. The problem that many of us have found in finding a treatment is that many of the offered treatments:
1. Don’t address our core issues and therefore don’t work long term.
2. Have serious side effects.
3. Require us to take mind altering medications.
4. Are too time consuming.
5. Aren’t really about delivering results.

Mind Relaxation Australia specialises in reducing anxiety using natural and alternative therapeutic methods. Our treatment was developed by an anxiety sufferer for anxiety sufferers. It’s the alternative treatment he wanted but couldn’t find. Our treatment has proven ideal for relieving feelings of anxiety in the moderate to severe range. It has also been effective in relieving anxiety related issues including fear, physical feelings of knotting or tension and anxiety related stomach problems.

Average improvement in feelings of anxiety as rated by successful clients with serious anxiety on a subjective assessment tool, 2014/2015 financial year, where rating 1 is severe, rating 5 is moderate and rating 10 is none.
Average improvement in anxiety as rated by successful clients with serious anxiety on a subjective assessment tool, 2014/2015 financial year, where rating 1 is severe, rating 5 is moderate and rating 10 is none.

We get strong results without using medications or digging into your past history. The trial and assessment process can give us a realistic estimate on the likelihood of success and you only pay for the trial if you experience immediate significant improvement. Find out if this treatment works for you…

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